26 Book Forum
Are you still convinced that autumn Lviv is rainy and depressive? Besides, books are boring and relics of the past? And do you know what is common between literature, Lviv beer, and black metal rock? And what about a cup of coffee and unrestrained adventures? How to draw creative inspiration from bench press? Then it’s time for you to visit the annual Book Forum!
We call on: do not live by stereotypes – break them!
Why should you visit the 26th Publishers Forum?
- To meet in person with leading writers, journalists and speakers from all over Europe;
- To attend masterclasses and listen to lectures on business, rhetoric, political science, and art from the best masters;
- To get an autograph from a favorite author;
- To see how different Lviv can be at the same time;
- To buy the book that will change your whole life.
When will it happen? September 18-22.
Where? All over the historical part of Lviv with its center in the Potocki Palace.
So, going to the Book Forum in Lviv, be sure to grab a spark of inspiration and a little spirit of adventure, and you will not regret it!
P.S. But still, do not forget to take an umbrella 🙂
Detailed information on the link: https://bookforum.ua/

Lviv Coffee Festival
Show us a person who is sure that the city has no smell, and we will take him to Lviv! After all, it’s here the most delicious coffee is prepared in every corner, and every Lviv passerby citizen is certainly a bit of a barista. Don’t believe? Then hurry up and go to the Coffee Festival!
When? September 12-15.
Where? Opposite the Opera House.
Why is it worth to visit? To see with your own eyes how the best Lviv’ baristas compete in skill and, of course, to feel the real hospitality of old Lviv. Indeed, for dear friends, Mr. Leo will always find a cup of freshly brewed coffee ????
Detailed information at the link: http://www.coffeefest.lviv.ua/en/

Pavlo Hudimov’s exhibition “Angels”
Lviv is widely known all over the world as an ancient city of Lion. Proud and sophisticated, it welcomes travelers with the steeples of Gothic temples and paved streets. And who would have thought that this summer 400 … angels will visit Lviv!
Pavlo Hudimov’s exhibition “Angels” – is a unique opportunity not only to meet each winged guest personally but also to study the history of its origin, elucidation in different cultures of the world and embodiment in artworks.
So, perhaps, now we should call Lviv a city of Angels, right? ????
Where? Lozynski Palace (3 Stefanyka St.), Pinzel Museum (2 Mytna Sq.)
When? From June 20 till September 22
For more information follow the link below: https://www.fest.lviv.ua/uk/news/391-vystavka-pavla-hudimova-anhely-u-lvovi-z-20-chervnya/