Вже зовсім скоро, а саме 25 липня, LVIV CITY MARKET- платформа для популяризації унікальних, якісних та смачних речей.
Це чудова нагода для креативних, творчих людей представити свої роботи, а для гостей – придбати оригінальні речі. Широкий вибір товарів: від листівок та аксесуарів, до одягу і предметів побуту. Також Ви матимете змогу поласувати смачною їжею та весело провести час. А головне – всі товари, представлені на LVIV CITY MARKET – українського виробицтва, вони унікальні та зроблені з душею.
Тому приходьте о 12 год. на площу Св. Теодора за гарним настроєм та чудовими речима!
Уже совсем скоро, а именно 25 июля, LVIV CITY MARKET- платформа для популяризации уникальных, качественных и вкусных вещей.
Это прекрасная возможность для креативных, творческих людей представить свои работы, а для гостей – приобрести оригинальные вещи. Большой выбор товаров: от открыток и аксессуаров, до одежды и предметов быта. Также Вы сможете полакомиться вкусной едой и весело провести время. А главное – все товары, которые представленны на LVIV CITY MARKET – украинского производства, они уникальны и сделаны с душой.
Поэтому приходите в 12 часов на площадь Св. Теодора за хорошим настроением и замечательными вещами!
Soon, July 25, LVIV CITY MARKET- the platform for the promotion of unique, high-quality and delicious things.
This is a great opportunity for creative, artistic people to present their works, and for guests – to buy original stuff. A wide range of goods, from cards and accessories to clothes and household items. Also you will be able to taste delicious food and have fun. And the most important – all products, presented at LVIV CITY MARKET – Ukrainian production, they are unique and made with soul.
So come at 12 a.m. to St. Theodore square for good mood and wonderful things!
Soon, July 25, LVIV CITY MARKET- the platform for the promotion of unique, high-quality and delicious things.
This is a great opportunity for creative, artistic people to present their works, and for guests – to buy original stuff. A wide range of goods, from cards and accessories to clothes and household items. Also you will be able to taste delicious food and have fun. And the most important – all products, presented at LVIV CITY MARKET – Ukrainian production, they are unique and made with soul.
So come at 12 a.m. to St. Theodore square for good mood and wonderful things!
Soon, July 25, LVIV CITY MARKET- the platform for the promotion of unique, high-quality and delicious things.
This is a great opportunity for creative, artistic people to present their works, and for guests – to buy original stuff. A wide range of goods, from cards and accessories to clothes and household items. Also you will be able to taste delicious food and have fun. And the most important – all products, presented at LVIV CITY MARKET – Ukrainian production, they are unique and made with soul.
So come at 12 a.m. to St. Theodore square for good mood and wonderful things!