Leopolis Jazz Fest 2019
Did you know that each city has its own unique sound? Majestic Vienna is an aristocratic opera, unrestrained Los Angeles is a youth rock inspired by freedom and indispensable adventures. And the cozy old town Lviv is, without a doubt, jazz. At first, you will hardly feel that charming melody: as a respectable gentleman, Lviv meets its guests in a white shirt with a butterfly, but soon you will see, as with the last ray of the sun, he pulls out an old guitar with a smile. And you do not have time to make up your mind, but already dancing barefoot on the pavement in the very center of Lviv!
Leopolis Jazz Fest is the day when jazz sounds in every corner of the city, especially brightly, gathering the most talented and sincere musicians from all over the world on the streets.
When? June 26-30.
Where? Throughout the historic part of Lviv.
Why should you visit it? To enjoy a unique atmosphere, get acquainted with creative people from different corners of the planet and who knows perhaps even open a musician inside yourself. After all, real music sounds from the very heart!
Details of Leopolis Jazz Fest by the link: https://leopolisjazz.com/ua

Leopolis Grand Prix 2019
Do you like speed and retro cars? Surfing on the Internet for rare models? Or, perhaps, you don`t have enough bright emotions in your life? Then it’s time to go to Lviv! We invite all the connoisseurs of beauty to the Leopolis Grand Prix 2019 festival. When? From May 31 to June 2. Where? In B.Khmelnitskogo park. What do you need to carry with you? Good mood and desire to be in the old Lviv for a few days. It’s simple to touch a history – you just need to want it! We’re looking forward to seeing you in the city of Leo!

Easter in Lviv
Easter is a glorious feast of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. In Lviv, all believers will gather in churches for the Holy Liturgy and will consecrate Easter dishes.
You can join the sacrament and try Easter goodies from April 19 to May 12 at the Easter Fair. You can also experience the atmosphere of Ukrainian traditions and customs on Easter itself in the open-air museum «Shevchenko Hai».